Company Unknown 3 by M. Helbig

Company Unknown 3 by M. Helbig

Author:M. Helbig [Helbig, M.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-06-23T16:00:00+00:00



As we made our way back to Raez’A Fyr from turning in Nutsac at the nearest garrison, Metric and I passed the time going over everything from the fight against the orc. On the way in, my efforts had been spent failing miserably with Frost. Really needed something else to focus on. My conversation with Garin had kept me from the beginning of the fight. Probably should have regretted that more, but my gut said I wouldn’t get a chance to talk to him again anytime soon.

My two escorts from the Seventy had been the ones to find Nutsac inside the town. They had been about to attack him when Dink arrived. Using a combination of Diplomacy and a change of outfit from his Disguise skill, he was able to coax Nutsac to the outskirts. Dink refused to reveal specifically what he’d disguised himself as, but I could still smell the floral fragrance on him.

Without me to pull Nutsac into their midst, Sy had tried grabbing him and attempting a rather cunning use of Charge to push the orc where he was needed. Unfortunately, several of the ranged fighters had attacked and stopped the verg cold, as there had been no time to coordinate the plan. Nutsac’s armor class and resistance left him in much better shape. Dink and the half-orc from the Seventy attempted to keep Nutsac from using his main skill, but Nutsac shot them away toward the nearby stream from which he’d pulled most of his water. By the time Dink got to shore and ran back, the battle had already been over.

As we’d planned, Frost had ordered the main body to spread out. That had helped initially, but we’d underestimated how wide he could spread his waves and he’d quickly caught everyone. I arrived about that time and knew the rest.

Going over everything I’d seen and then getting Metric and the rest of the squad’s points of view didn’t provide much beyond what we’d already done. Surrounding him in a circle likely would have made it impossible for him to get us all at once; however, it would have almost guaranteed he’d sight a few of us before we could spring the trap. His ridiculous defense meant sneaking up and hitting him from behind would have only resulted in someone getting a much too close meeting with an orc who knew an awful lot about drowning people. My idea of chain-stunning him was shot down when a few people recalled those abilities hadn’t worked. Just as well since our two companies hadn’t had enough people who possessed such abilities to work a proper rotation anyway.

In the end, nothing we came up with could have worked much better than what we’d done. The only improvement would have been to use those tactics from the beginning. I was hoping for something more, but sometimes there just wasn’t a better answer beyond taking a lot of lumps while giving marginally more in return.


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